The Great Pop Culture Debate would not be possible without the support of our generous Patreon subscribers. Patreon subscriptions help us to pay for recording, editing, and promotion of the podcast — essential costs. We appreciate ALL our supporters, but the GPCD staff and panel want to give a big thanks to our $10/mo. supporters, upon whom we bestow the honor Associate Producers. Current Associate Producers include:

-Ryan Androsiglio

Bernie Banke

-John Beaudreau

-Derek Mekita

-Troy Robinson

-Rebecca S.

-Michael Schwarz

And a super-duper THANK YOU to our Unanimous Decision Supporters ($25/mo level), Eric Alex Cline, Bob Erlenback, Kathy Kingsley, Stephan Nikoloff, and Chad Rezsnyak. For being a supporter at that level, they get to pick a topic and actually join the podcast for an episode! You can find Chad’s first topic — Best Final Fantasy Game — right here!

You can find Stephan’s first topic — Best Emmy-Winning Series for Best Drama — right here!

You can find Bob’s first topic — Best Tim Burton Film — right here!

You can find Chad’s second topic — Best Phil Collins Song — right here!

THANK YOU AGAIN to our Associate Producers. If you would like to support the podcast, please visit our Patreon site. Your support will keep us arguing for your amusement for years to come.