Joelle Boedecker


Joelle is a crazy cat mom of four. She was raised in a home filled with an impressive collection of carefully-preserved Beanie Babies. When she wasn't helping her mom catalog cute-faced beanbags named after dead people, she could be found creating detailed VCR recording schedules of her favorite 90's sitcoms and teen dramas.

Beyond her completionist-level commitment to her TV-watching habits, she will also proudly talk to anyone who will listen about her strong opinions on typography, Harry Potter, movie musicals/musicals based on movies, skipping chapter 2 of every Baby-Sitters Club book, New York-style bagels, and every rom-com she can get her eyeballs on.

Joelle is also one-third of the silly, song-filled PocketPod: Animal Crossing podcast all about the "Animal Crossing" video game series. The irony is not lost on her that she is now obsessed with a game that is the descendant of the Beanie Babies that haunted her childhood.

Check out the latest episode of PocketPod: Animal Crossing.

Joelle’s Playlist


Jim Czadzeck


Jonny Minogue